Thursday, 22 January 2009

King of Saffron

Ini berawal setahun ini selama tinggal di Doha Qatar setiap kali pergi ke toko khas menjual stuff khas arab terutama makanan, selalu saja terlihat sejumput benang2 halus berwarna keemasan atau merah tua dengan kemasan botol kecil. baru tau ternyata itu yang namanya Saffron, banyak oarang timur tengah membelinya baik untuk campuran makanan, minuman, parfum sampai pengobatan. kemarin saya coba membelinya karena untuk meredahkan rasa penasaran yang berkesinambungan selain memang tertarik manfaatnya, juga buat oleh2 ibu di Indonesia . Sebagaian saya komsumsi untuk campuran teh ( baru mau coba untuk campuran makanaan ). untuk harga lumayan mahal dari tingkatan qualitas dan asal saffron ini biasanya menjadi salah satu parameternya. jenis yang saya beli kemarin kata penjualnya qualitasnya bagus ( aselinya saya & suami belum bisa membedakan untuk satu ini he..he..) berasal dari Iran, warnanya merah keemasan/ternyata bervarisai dan kemasan yang menarik ( per 6 gram sekitar 40 qr atau setara dengan 125 ribu rupiah).
berikut artikel tentang saffron lebih dikenal sebagai bungah termahal selain juga manfaatnya yang sangat banyak.

Historical Background :
Saffron is the flower scientifically known as Crocus sativa. The American enscylopedia that this word derives from the Greek ( Corycus ), which is the name of an area in Cilicia in eastern mediterranean. Some belive that saffron originated in ancient Iran and it is cultivation spread in Qom & Boon, but some said it derives from a wide area including Greece, Turkey, Minor Asia & Iran.

saffron Botany :
saffron is less-prennial grass plant with round sub soil corms with short prinkles roots grow at the base and circumference. The first part to appear is the flower as the corms is too weak the bud are not strong enough to develop and the leaves come out later. The flower consists of thre sepals & petals of the same lilac color there are three stamens with filaments. Out of single ovule (ovary ) in the center of the flower grows a long thin style of a light yellow color, which ends in a triple stigma of 2-3 cm lenght, and bright orange red color. This is the dried style and stigmas of Saffron.

The used part is consisting of capsule containing dark seeds and it is known that its flowers spread at the beginning of autumnal and each stigma produces between ( 6-9) leaflets.
saffron is cost too much and in need of expertise laborrers as. A quality of about 25 kg produces after dryness only 5 kg and 70.000 flower gives 500 gram only. Saffron digenesis through production of new corms derived from the originel ones, which are always idle during the summer and began growing at is end.

Chemical Compositions :
the stigma of saffron has a yellow pigment, which derives from crocin chemicals. It is one of the few naturally occurring carotenoidds easily solvable in water. Furthermore, the stigmas of the saffron flower contain many chemical substances as carbohydrates, mineral, , mucilage, vitamine, especially riboflavin & thiamin and pigment including crotin, anthocianin, carotene, lycopene & zigzantin. Moreover, it contains another many aromatic essence, pigments & turmeric aroma.

Flavor aroma of Saffron :
The principal element , which given saffron its specially bitter saffron flavor, is glycoside picocrocin. This bitter substance can be crystallized & produces glucose and the adehyde safirnal by hydrolysis Aroma of Saffron is very strong and produced by certain volatile oils and essence. The main aroma factor is safranal which comprise about 60 % from it. It fresh Saffron, substance exists as stable picocrocin, but because of heat and passage onf time it demposes roeleasing the volatiler adenhyde fsafrfanal.

Saffron as a faood :
The properties of saffron as a food is consist of its color, aroma and taste. Moreover it contains ( B) bitamin, other multivitamin, especially riboflavin, and mainly used in ( rice, soup, cheese, etc ), beside its ability to expedity digestion proces. In Addition, it used in components of sweets, jams, coffee, and tea especially in Gulf Countries as it given them their special Flavor & aroma.

Saffron as a Medicine :
Since ancient times saffron has been considered as a therapeutic property as sedative, tonic and as a treatment of colds, stimulant of stomach, expectorant, dysentery, measles, liver enlargement and urological infections. Moreover, it reduces the articulation pains, impotents, man infertility, and heart activation. This besides is used in cosmetic products. The effect of Saffron compounds in treatment of certain types of cancer are being studied and positive and effectiveness result have been obtained in experiment on lab animal as published in the famous mexican medical magazine ( medicinal and Biological Experiment ).

This the treatment and protective aspect. The saffron used as a spice for flavor and as a medicine for cancer at same time. As it contains cartenoid compound as ( laecobein , betacarotene ). In addition, to that it has beeen used , recently in pharmaceutical field for sedative, tonic and urinal activation case. Ibn Sinaa mentioned it is medical specification in cancer treatment and visual purification and herat, stomach, liver strength and poisons treatment.

( source Saffron )


Renny said...

alma ma safron itu enak ya buat di makan sehat juga

Anonymous said...

Ini berawal setahun ini selama tinggal di Doha Qatar

keknya postingan fuda yg tgl 22 depannya "berawal" juga deh..
*wadoo ngikut2 fuda* Syalala

Gak salah deh di sebut "King of saffron"
banyak banged kegunaanya.

wanginya kyak apa ya, jadi pnasaran.

di tanah abang tempat oleh2 haji ada yg jual kyak gtuan ga ren ?

cek aaghh..
oyi, puisi cinta "aku ingin"
gombal banged, khu khu khu..
kurang metal...
cabuutt..atut di lempar saffron ama renny

salam wat si mas.your beloved man

Anonymous said...

Wa ketahuan ni si fuda pedagang kaki lima keliling, kerjaannya cari barang murah di tanah abang & fuda justru karena gombal itu kita jadi falling in love, coba kalu dimaki2 isi suratnya mana ada yang mau oarang sama kita ( pengecualian fuda kali ..wkkk)

Anonymous said...

mampir di tempatnya mb renny...